Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Phone: (859) 422-0009
“Building Success, Nurturing Potential" is the vision for Deep Springs Elementary and a goal that we strive to meet daily. We want every child to reach their highest potential.
At Deep Springs, we have extremely high expectations for our students. However, we realize it is not the staff working alone that makes a difference with our students. It is only when everyone involved -- parents, community, students, teachers, and staff -- all work together that we can truly accomplish great things for our students.
The way to best meet the needs of all our students is taken into consideration with every policy, procedure and expectation that we put in place and with each contact that we have with our students and families. We know that we are here to help our students meet our high academic expectations while at the same time encouraging them to become happy, productive citizens for the future. The SBDM council meets monthly to review, discuss and develop policies and procedures for our school and all community members are always welcome to attend.
There are many ways that you can become a part of the Deep Springs Elementary family. Our PTA meets monthly and is always willing to have another helping hand. You are welcome to eat lunch with your child any day. There are many volunteer opportunities available in your child’s classroom. Throughout the school year our teachers and PTA work hard to provide a variety of opportunities for parents to be a part of the school and share your child's school experiences.
Thanks for your support and involvement!