Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
2024-2025 Enrollment Information
Please follow these steps to sign up any K-12 student who is new to Fayette County Public Schools:
Review the necessary paperwork (list below.) Most items can be uploaded to the application. Please make sure documents or pictures are clear and legible. Other documents can be photocopied at the school.
Then, start with online registration. Please note the 5-digit application number.
Lastly, call Sarah Hogg to determine if anything further is needed.
Deep Springs Elementary 859-422-0009.
FCPS enrolls students at the school where they are zoned based on residential address. Once we receive all the required documents, your school will confirm your child's enrollment.
Child's birth certificate or other reliable proof of identity *
Two proofs of residence: a property deed or currently dated lease agreement in the parent/guardian's name stating the correct address, a presently dated utility (water, gas, electric) bill, or a current tax bill in the parent/guardian's name with the correct address.
Parent/guardian Government issued ID
Up-to-date Kentucky immunization certificate **
Court documents pertaining to your child, if applicable
* FCPS must receive a legal copy of the child's birth certificate or another official document proving the child's identity and date of birth. The following are acceptable alternatives:
Adoption records;
Valid passport or other federal government identification;
Military identification or immigration card;
Valid Kentucky driver's license or permit;
If you can not provide any of these, please contact Sarah Hogg.
Health Forms
Please download forms as needed:
Exams, immunizations, health and KHSAA forms
Additional Forms Required 2024-2025 (Can be filled out and brought to appointment)
Health Consent School Health Services English, Health Consent School Health Services (en Espanol)
Home language survey: English | Arabic | French | Hmong | Japanese | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Swahili | Vietnamese
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) | Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Spanish
Digital Technology Forms for Families (Some forms need a Student ID Number and that will not be created until enrollment has been processed and is complete.)
Additional Forms for Certain Situations
Fee Waiver Form | Fee Waiver Form Spanish
Please contact us if you need forms in another language. 859-422-0009.