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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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Library Equipment Policy

Distribution and Circulation of Equipment & Materials

While the library would like to provide all teachers with an equal amount of equipment, the reality is that the school cannot afford to meet everyone’s needs. To provide for an equitable distribution of equipment, the following policy is followed.

  • A minimum of one item per each piece of equipment will be kept in the library to be checked out on a daily basis by those teachers who may not have access to their own. This equipment should be returned to the library immediately after use. Those items are: VCR, cassette recorder, filmstrip projector, record player, headphones, and an overhead projector.
  • Each teacher will receive one of the following for his or her use during the school year: overhead projector and cart as needed, VCR, cassette recorder, and headphones. In the event that there is not enough equipment for everyone, equipment will be shared among teams.
  • In certain circumstances, individual teachers may be allotted equipment. For example, the art teacher may need a slide projector, and the music teacher and speech teacher may require their own cassette recorders.
  • Items which will may be checked out only on a daily basis from the library are:   VCRs, CD/cassette players, LCD projector, opaque projector, and DVD players.
  • Teachers shall check out equipment either on the computer or manually in the notebook provided on the circulation desk. If the sign-out is manual, please provide all of the requested information. In case of theft, etc., a record must be maintained so that serial numbers, etc. can be given to the proper authorities.
  • Any staff member who intends to take equipment off school property must sign an FCPS paper accepting responsibility for that item in the event of theft or damage.
  • Blank videocassettes and tape cassettes will be available for teacher use as long as these items are needed on a temporary basis or can also be used by other staff. If a teacher needs something on a permanent basis, he or she can bring in a personal tape.

Equipment Maintenance

The media center is fortunate enough to offer a variety of equipment and technology, selected on the basis of district policies, for the use of students and faculty. However, such equipment is often expensive and needs constant maintenance. When the equipment does need repairs, the librarian or technology coordinator should be contacted immediately so that the appropriate personnel can take care of the problem.

I. Computers and Peripheral Devices

  • Library staff will use only computer cleaning materials on the hardware and peripherals.
  • Minor repairs will be carried out by the library staff or person who coordinates technology.
  • Major repairs will necessitate calling the district’s technology personnel.

II. Copy Machines

  • Since the the copy machine in the AudioVisual room is rented by the school, no repairs will be attempted without contacting the vendor.
  • For paper jams, contact the custodian, library or office staff. However, please do not make a request for help while a class is in the library.

III.  Video Recorders

  • VCR heads will be cleaned periodically by the media center staff using recommended materials.
  • Units will be kept dust-free as much as possible.

III. Overhead Projectors

  • These items will be inspected by library staff upon check-out and check-in to see if they are in working order.
  • Replacement of projector bulbs will be handled only by trained library personnel.
  • Repairs will be handled by qualified sources such as the district’s Electonics Department.
  • Each summer, projectors will be cleaned by the district’s Electronics Department if the service is provided.