Use of the Media Center
The DSES Media Center operates on a partially flexible schedule, with library maintenance and class research time also built in during the day. Even when a class is meeting in the library, individuals and small groups are encouraged to visit.
The library’s hours for students are: Monday-Friday, 7:15 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
I. Scheduled Classes (55 min., every other 5-day rotation—alternates with computer lab)
- Entering: All classes are asked to line up at the edge of the circulation desk (closest to the cart) until the librarian can seat them.
- Library instruction time: During the library instruction time, intermediate students will have assigned seats while primary students take their seats on the floor. The two couches may only be used if a student is sick and has a staff member’s permission.
- Browsing:
- Amount of time: Students will be given approximately 15-20 minutes for book selection during class times. For classes with good behavior, a longer browsing time will be provided at periodic intervals.
- Browsing areas: Intermediate and third graders are allowed full use of the library. Second graders will be limited to the domed area until training on the card catalog is complete, except in cases where certain children need or want materials with higher reading levels. K-1 classes may select books from the picture book area and the round tables. Also, for materials too high to reach, students must ask for help from the library staff.
- Computer use: Once students have permission to use the computers, they may look up two items and then must give up their seat to the next student in line. The first student may then get back in line to search again. Any student caught breaking this rule or misusing the computer is prohibited from using it for the rest of the class and is subject to other school discipline when appropriate. Also, only the card catalog is allowed to be used during class time.
- Seating: Within their designated browsing areas, students are welcome to sit on any chair or couch or on the floor. However, they should request permission to use the rocking chair or bean bags. If students fight over the rocking chair or the couches, those items will be off limits for a designated time period.
- Check out: All students must form a straight line in front of the circulation desk. If a student is not in this line by the time the Pink Panthermusic ends, he or she will not check out. After checkout, students sit at their assigned tables.
- Tech Time: Students will be called by table to go back to the research area. They will push in their chairs, leave their books, and walk. They must sit at their same table number.
- Exiting: After Tech Time, students will be dismissed by table. They will get their books and line up by the right side of the library doors. They will sit in the floor in a line until their teacher arrives.
Note: Students may not remove stuffed animals from their shelves unless they are using a library pass.
II. Class Research
- Any teacher bringing a class to the media center for research needs to reserve a time with the librarian the planning book, which is located on the first reference shelf. Please indicate name, time, class, nature of the assignment and which area of the library is needed.
- Teachers are encouraged to bring their classes in for research, even during the library class times. If collaboration with the media specialist is desired, a teacher is asked to give notification at least one week before the scheduled visit so that lessons/materials can be arranged. This is especially important for projects where students are assigned specific topics, such as certain animals or countries. Checking with the librarian on what books and resources are actually available can insure that students find the information they need.
- Whenever a visit must be canceled, please notify library staff so the media center may be made available to other patrons.
- Last minute requests for the media center will be accepted if time and space allow.
- When scheduling an entire class for the library, teachers are expected to accompany their classes while in the facility.
- Classes with substitute teachers will only be allowed if the regular classroom teacher has scheduled time.
II. Individual Students
- Any students working individually or in pairs must present a pass to the library staff.
- The media center staff reserves the right to send students back to the classroom. Students who are off task or disruptive will be asked to leave.
- While students are always welcome in the media center, teachers are asked to pay special attention to those times on the regular library schedule when the librarian is with other classes. Individual students should only visit during those times if they can function without the assistance of the media specialist.
- Teachers should instruct students to return to the classroom if no library staff can be found in the main library, office, or AV Room.
- When in the library, students are expected to abide by both school and media center rules.
NOTE: If teachers have special requests for classes or individual students, please let the library staff know ahead of time. For example, if a teacher wants his or her students to check out biographies, a selection of these books can be displayed to help students make quick and appropriate selections.